10代でDJを始め、Chill Mountain collectiveの創設者の一人として、Kabamix、Mt.chillsと共にレーベル〈Chill Mountain Rec〉を設立。アメリカ、カナダ、ブラジル、ドイツなど27カ国以上のフェスやイベントに出演し、大阪のアンダーグランドシーンに限らずアジアでも活動を拡大してる。
個人的なEP、シングル、コラボ作品も多く、ロサンゼルスの〈ESP Institute〉からデビューアルバム「SUNIZM」を含む6枚のアルバムをリリース。2024年3月には〈Multi Culti〉レーベルから新しいEP「朱色の石」をリリース予定。
Based and born in Osaka, he reconfigures global sounds into new dance floor creations, blending diverse textures and soundscapes that evoke other-worldly ecosystems and primal rhythms, deeply captivating energies that can often feel like a transcendence of the human-alien divide.
Started DJing as teenager, Ground played across Japan, with Osaka’s underground scene as his base. Founder of the Chill Mountain collective, he now focuses on the Chill Mountain Recordings label with Kabamix & Mt.chills. He has performed in over 27 countries, including the US, Canada, Brazil, Germany and more.
With a wide collection and persona output includes numerous EPs, singles, collaborations, and six albums, notably the 2018 debut “SUNIZM” on ESP Institute. In spring 2024, the Canadian label Multi Culti released his EP “Syuiro Seki.”
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/dj-ground