帰国後はトラックメイカーとしての活動もスタートし、国内外アーティストの楽曲提供、プロデュース、舞台音楽、編曲など幅広く精力的に活動の幅を広げ、2019年に1stアルバムをリリースし、都内のイベント、パーティオーガナイズ等も行う自身の楽曲ではエレクトロニカ / グリッチ / IDMなどのエッジの効いた音楽性のアプローチをベースに、躍動感のあるモジュラーシンセとビートが絡み合う。
Based in Tokyo
He Started playing as a guitarist at 2002, and became a bassist at 2004.Heʼve been play as a bassist on individual Rock band.
in 2012, he jumped out from Japan, and started traveling at Australia, Toronto and New York. He has experienced busking and music sessions with local musicians on subways and streets. Obtain an inspiration from different variety of the sounds by countryʼs and cultures while he traveling.
In 2014, backed to Japan, and he started a Track making, providing music for domestic and international artists, producing, arranging and performing a live.
in 2019, Released 1st Album”Sequence” and also started an organize a party “AQUA” in Tokyo.
In his own music, based on the edgy musical approach of Electronica / glitch / idm, dynamic modular synths and beats are intertwined.
Field recordings of environmental and everyday sounds are interspersed throughout the music, expressing a worldview brimming with originality