東京を拠点に活動するテック・ハウス・ミュージック・デュオ。以前はGeminiとして活動していたが、2021年にMiddle Outに改名し主にテクノ/テックハウスミュージックを制作している。
2018年にはAWAのプレイリスト PartyMix に掲載され、5万回以上の再生を達成。2020年には、日本のリミックスコンテストで総合1位を獲得。
Based in Tokyo, Middle Out is an emerging tech house music duo formerly known as Gemini, rebranded in 2021. Specializing in techno and tech house, they have quickly made a name for themselves in the industry.
In 2018, Middle Out gained significant recognition with their inclusion in AWA’s PartyMix playlist, amassing over 50,000 plays. Their talent was further showcased in 2020 when they secured 1st place overall in a prestigious Japanese remix contest.
With a dynamic sound and a growing fanbase, Middle Out is poised for continued success in the electronic music scene.