

Rainbow Disco ClubのレジデントDJ兼デザイナー。
2000年代、ロンドンを拠点としてTomoki Tamuraと共に、HOLICのレジデントとしてキャリアをスタート。
2010年代はTRESVIBES SOUNDSYSTEMとして、Fuji Rock Festival出演や渋谷WOMBにてレギュラーパーティー
を開催し、これまでade(RUSH HOUR x RDC)、Potato Head Bali、Dusk Camp Los Angeles、Fabric London、
Tresor Berlin、など海外でも多くの場所でプレイしてきた。

Resident DJ and graphic designer of Rainbow Disco Club.
His DJ career started in the 2000s with Tomoki Tamura, as a resident DJ for an event called HOLIC which was taking place in London. For a few years, he has gained a career at various parties and venues around east London.
In the 2010s, he made appearances at Fuji Rock Festival and held regular parties at Shibuya WOMB as a member of TRESVIBES SOUNDSYSTEM.
KIKIORIX has also performed at multiple festivals and prestige venues, such as ADE (RUSH HOUR x RDC), Potato Head Bali, Dusk Camp Los Angeles, Fabric London, Tresor Berlin, and more.

Soundcloud :